Demi Lovato Treatment

4:30 PM Publicado por Anonymous

Demi Lovato was desperate to get out of treatment

Demi Lovato revealed to be happy during their stay in rehab last year because I was desperate to leave the clinic.

The star admits he expressed his "false" will be treated when he arrived in an attempt to increase their chances of a speedy release.

Miss Lovato told MTV News: "When I first went into treatment, do not want to be there, and what he did was pretend to retrieval."

"Then I was there, and I began to accept that I was there for the right reasons. And even if I wanted to be there at that time, there were some girls who did not want help, but it all starts well, and luckily they were able to get help they needed, and could begin to believe, and ended, like me, to realize one day that is what they are doing right. "

"I have days when I'm in a bad mood, but definitely want to be there for my fans and and shake hands and be there for them too, because now I am a role model and I want to be there for them. I would say now: 'Talk and not be afraid to ask for help, as this could save their lives.' "

And Demi has proven his rehabilitation period with the change in his attitude to life, adding: "I feel like a totally different person today, and I've grown a lot, and I've overcome a lot, so I'm happy to be where I am now in my life. "

For you, Demster is a perfect role model?

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