Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato on Twitter - are overweight
Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato: Friends not "fat" on Twitter
They have been separated for long, but Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato have resumed their friendship via Twitter.
Miss Cyrus took her Twitter to say what no one else should tell things as "obese" and it is something, from any point of view, very negligible.
"Being obese calling other girls like me, this is what causes other people. I love and if you could say the same"
Then Miley tweeted: (Photo really shocking, so Do NOT click if you are very sensitive)
Then Miley tweeted that he would love to be part of the n8HateCampaign against food derangements.
"@ ddlovato AMEN! I'm going to dust any call that comes to mind the word that starts with O (kisses). You know you have a body bastaaaaaaante sexy! I LOVE IT! # werkthosecurves".
Demi then saw Miles and tweets tweeted, "@ MileyCyrus AMEN!".
"@ MileyCyrus god, I love you. You, too! I miss you more than ever."
"PS: Very proud of you for posting # curvesareBEAUTIFUL".
Would you like to see Miles and Demster like best friends again?
1. Yes, I want to see them together as before (Super)
2. I love them, but not (regular)
3. I do not care, I'm no fan of them (below)
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